Questions & asks:

1.- Who was Nelson Mandela before the apartheid?
         Before the apartheid, in 1944 , he was a member the African National Congress (ANC). he became a lawyer fight an apartheid. In 1962 he was arrested by a sabotage.
2.-What kind of problems did the Berlin wall produce?
       the people wanted crosser a mur, because the conditions life was worst in Berlin Oest who did crosser the mur they a punished. 
3.-What empires finished in the 19th century?
         the empires most impotants were a Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese      
 4.-What did Eleanor Roosevelt do for Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948?
        She was a suported a declation, and a demostraited against racism and suported the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
5.-Which year did the people of France adopt the Declaration of the Human Right of Mom ? What is this?
    Is an ironic text based on the right of man, was adopted on 1791
6.-Who was Karl Marx?
        he was an intellectual ,comunist and a revolutionary.
7.-What was the reason of the American Civil war?
          Some the estats aproved the the slavery abolishment, and the anothers no.
8.-When did the colonial expansion begin?
         In 19th century
9.-Where did the powerful european created empires?
            In 1400
10.-When and where were the Carta Magna signed? What is Magna Carta?
          magna carta were a signed in Britain, in 1215 
11.- Why did Africans go to America?
           Because they were captured for slavery
12.-What day was the american independence declared?
            4th July 1776   
13.-Who was the leader of the american revolution?
            George Washington
14.-Who marked the beginning of the end of the Apartheid?
             Nelson Mandela
15.-What did an american court decided in 1841?
       decided that these salves wer people not property.
16.-When did Ghandi help India to independence?
              In 1947
17.-When did the american revolution finished? What happened? 
           finish in 1783. british rule and declared the independece.
18.-Who was Moses?

           moses was a biblical character. He was cut a water in two and freed the Jews from Egypt 
19.-Which were the laws of God? Are they similar to the present human rights now?
         Are a list of a laws said of God to a people of israel. Yes, they're.
20.-Who was Antigone? and King Greon?
           Antigone is the subject of a popular story.
21.-Who was the king in UK in 1918?
           George V
22.-What was the Inquisition?
          A number of historical movements against heresy
23.-How did king and tribal chiefs use their power?
         a king of france.
24.-What happend on 15th century?
             in this century : descoved America; Constantinople taken by the Turks; ...


The Right To A Nationality:
To have a nationality means that a group lives the same: Contry, sharing costum, lenguage,festivals, ...
In shortto take a part of a state. Not onality alows to have your arm passport, currency and proper fronteirs.
Many wars happend becouse on governament imposes it's will over another and forcing the people to live without right. People should be able to choose their goverment .
Kosovo is the country that losts its autonomy in 1989 but in the 10 years the people tried to keep out of Bosnia war buy resiting peaceful.